Thursday, 24 June 2010

What do you think of my hat?

So here I am, early morning on Tuesday and someone has left the window open in my bedroom.

Although you all think summer is here, actually after a hair wash it is still pretty cold!

Daddy had given me a bath and I was pleased because I felt quite sticky after a night of milk leaking over my chin and down my neck. He washed my hair - which is looking quite blonde bye the way, and then left me on the bed by myself.

How could he be so cruel? He seems to have plenty of hair but I do not! It was practically freezing.

Any way, being resourceful as he is, he found me a hat that was lying around.

We were all happy but then mama came in and shouted at daddy about something. Before I knew it my head was cold again!

I know they are new at this parent thing but you would hope they can get it together soon.

J xx

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Three weeks old already

Yes I am 3 weeks old!

Quite a lot has happened since my birthday.

I have got into quite a nice routine of waking up for a feed - usually I get about 15-20 minutes of milk down me which is yummy. The only trouble is it gives me the the hiccoughs, so I have to get burped over mama's shoulder after food time.

Next I usually have my nappy changed. Often it is full already but I don't mind - at least it is warm. After nappy change I like to have a toilet break so I usually fill my nappy again - I can get through over 10 a day if I try.

It's quite cool because I have learned that if I want anything all I need do is pretend to cry and everyone in the room comes to see what I need. So as soon as I fancy a nappy change I can usually get one organised.

So next I usually try to have a sleep. To be honest I don't mind where I am for sleep. In someone's arms, in the car seat, in my basket; it's all the same to me. With all the growing I am planning I need all the sleep I can get right now.

So far so good as I have managed to put on almost a pound since my birthday!

Well that is pretty much my life at the moment apart from the odd bath and trip to Mothercare.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

It's my birthday!

Hi everyone, here I am ready for the world.

This is me and Hayley (she's my mama). It took me almost 16 hours to come out of her tummy. We went to bed on the Monday night but she was so sick I couldn't get a wink of sleep. She just did not get the hint that it was time for me to come into the world.

Finally I managed to stick my little finger through her womb and make all the water come out on the kitchen floor. Then they took notice and we all went to the maternity unit in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital at 03:30 on the 31st May.

After hours of trying I still could not get out so luckily the doctors helped and pulled me out just in time for lunch on my birthday! What a coincidence.

Hayley was really tired but she did not show it. I think she was just happy to finally meet me after 9 months of talking to me in her tummy.

It was nice to meet her too. She has such lovely milk.